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Forums :: Blog World :: Brandon Smillie: The 5th Overall Pick: Zayne Parekh
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Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 10:39 AM ET
You pick l'harceleur everytime!
- The Judge

Montreal Canadiens
Location: Montreal
Joined: 07.01.2008

Jun 8 @ 10:40 AM ET
je trouve pas que c'est compliqué, au contraire, je trouve simplement que la notion du "BPA" veut pas vraiment dire grand chose.
- Pat1993

tu n'es pas recruteur et ce n'est pas parce que tu ne comprend pas une notion qu'elle n'existe pas ou ne devrait pas être appliquée. Aitrement n'importe qui pourrait repêcher et cette job la n'existerait pas.
Dallas Stars
Location: He was responsible for the term “Gordie Howe hat trick”, where a player scored a goal, added an , NB
Joined: 02.05.2013

Jun 8 @ 10:41 AM ET
If they do pick a D, I do not think it will be Parekh.

But if both Demidov and Lidstrom are taken, will be interesting to see what the Habs do given a stud D is sitting out there.

Still think they go 99.99999% with a forward.

- Mashadar

Iggy Jr or The Cat
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 10:44 AM ET
tu n'es pas recruteur et ce n'est pas parce que tu ne comprend pas une notion qu'elle n'existe pas ou ne devrait pas être appliquée. Aitrement n'importe qui pourrait repêcher et cette job la n'existerait pas.
- deadpoulet

j'ai pas cette prétention là pentoute, je pense qu'on se comprend peut-être pas à 100%, c'est correct.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 8 @ 10:59 AM ET

j'ai pas cette prétention là pentoute, je pense qu'on se comprend peut-être pas à 100%, c'est correct.

- Pat1993

ils ont bien mentionné qu'à talent égal ils prendraient un attaquant. mais oui les dépisteurs se présentent au repêchage avec une liste (entre 50 et 100 joueurs) qu'ils ont classés en ordre. quand arrive leur tour de parler, ils prennent le joueur le plus haut sur leur liste encore disponible.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 11:02 AM ET
ils ont bien mentionné qu'à talent égal ils prendraient un attaquant. mais oui les dépisteurs arrivent au repêchage avec une liste (entre 50 et 100 joueurs) qu'ils ont classés en ordre. quand arrive leur tour de parler, ils prennent le plus haut sur leur liste encore disponible.
- fidopro

ça aussi je trouve que c'est quelque chose de très vague au final, si tu considère qu'il y a toujours un joueur qui est un peu plus/moins talentueux que l'autre.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin! - EK
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 8 @ 11:07 AM ET
we're talking about comparing 2 players among the top five, of course if you're looking at those guys in the example you're giving it becomes obvious.

edit: it's also proof that hindsight is 20/20, since Eller and Weber were drafted respectively 13th and 49th overall.

- Pat1993

4 goals. 1 game.

Enough said.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 11:10 AM ET
4 goals. 1 game.

Enough said.

- Mashadar

ah yes, Jan Bulis, forever a habs legend.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin! - EK
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 8 @ 11:17 AM ET
ah yes, Jan Bulis, forever a habs legend.
- Pat1993


Looking at the players on the ice...

Also, 4th goal was pretty epic..
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 11:20 AM ET

Looking at the players on the ice...

Also, 4th goal was pretty epic..

- Mashadar

he's the great Dane tonight!!

glorious times loll
Location: The Fan of Hockey. Welcome Utah!, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 8 @ 11:52 AM ET
woah oah oh ah!
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin! - EK
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 8 @ 12:30 PM ET
So is Kick sitting on a lawn chair in his living room, in boxers and a t-shirt barely awake, drinking a a case of beer while waiting for his stuff to arrive?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 8 @ 12:30 PM ET
ça aussi je trouve que c'est quelque chose de très vague au final, si tu considère qu'il y a toujours un joueur qui est un peu plus/moins talentueux que l'autre.
- Pat1993

il classent les joueurs selon certains critères Pat.
5 pt pour le caractère, 5 pt pour le sens du jeu, 5 pt pour le physique, 5 pt pour le patin... etc.
à la fin 2 joueurs peuvent avoir le même score total même s'ils sont bien différents.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jun 8 @ 12:53 PM ET
So is Kick sitting on a lawn chair in his living room, in boxers and a t-shirt barely awake, drinking a a case of beer while waiting for his stuff to arrive?
- Mashadar

there's been a complication.

i think the timing belt is going on the car. it's probably about time for that. but it sure could have waited a week.

so i'm waiting on a tow truck, i borrowed a car, and once i get back here (the apartment), i can pack the rest of this stuff, clean up, and take the bed and the table apart for the movers on monday morning.

i'll take some clothes and things over to the condo later. whatever i can fit in the trunk. but i don't sleep there until monday night.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin! - EK
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 8 @ 12:53 PM ET
il classent les joueurs selon certains critères Pat.
5 pt pour le caractère, 5 pt pour le sens du jeu, 5 pt pour le physique, 5 pt pour le patin... etc.
à la fin 2 joueurs peuvent avoir le même score total même s'ils sont bien différents.

- fidopro

Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin! - EK
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 8 @ 12:54 PM ET
there's been a complication.

i think the timing belt is going on the car. it's probably about time for that. but it sure could have waited a week.

so i'm waiting on a tow truck, i borrowed a car, and once i get back here (the apartment), i can pack the rest of this stuff, clean up, and take the bed and the table apart for the movers on monday morning.

i'll take some clothes and things over to the condo later. whatever i can fit in the trunk. but i don't sleep there until monday night.

- kicksave856

There is always (frank)ing something.

Monday, dude.

So close.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jun 8 @ 12:58 PM ET
There is always (frank)ing something.

Monday, dude.

So close.

- Mashadar

i'm almost there!
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 1:02 PM ET
il classent les joueurs selon certains critères Pat.
5 pt pour le caractère, 5 pt pour le sens du jeu, 5 pt pour le physique, 5 pt pour le patin... etc.
à la fin 2 joueurs peuvent avoir le même score total même s'ils sont bien différents.

- fidopro

je comprends tout ça, mais je pense que tu es d'accord pour dire que le niveau de talent entre deux joueurs est jamais exactement 100% égal, même s'ils arrivent avec des chiffres identiques sur une grille d'évaluation.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 1:04 PM ET
there's been a complication.

i think the timing belt is going on the car. it's probably about time for that. but it sure could have waited a week.

so i'm waiting on a tow truck, i borrowed a car, and once i get back here (the apartment), i can pack the rest of this stuff, clean up, and take the bed and the table apart for the movers on monday morning.

i'll take some clothes and things over to the condo later. whatever i can fit in the trunk. but i don't sleep there until monday night.

- kicksave856

for a second there I thought you were talking about moving back in your home...

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jun 8 @ 1:15 PM ET
for a second there I thought you were talking about moving back in your home...

- Pat1993

no just a complication to getting everything done. i'm a worrier so even though i think i might actually be a little bit ahead of schedule, i feel like i'm not getting all the packing and cleaning done in time. i stayed up doing it until 3 in the morning and then couldn't sleep this morning because i felt like i had to get up and get started.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 1:17 PM ET
no just a complication to getting everything done. i'm a worrier so even though i think i might actually be a little bit ahead of schedule, i feel like i'm not getting all the packing and cleaning done in time. i stayed up doing it until 3 in the morning and then couldn't sleep this morning because i felt like i had to get up and get started.
- kicksave856

don't be a worrier, be a warrior.

Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 1:55 PM ET
or a butt filler, whatever floats your boat.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jun 8 @ 2:00 PM ET
don't be a worrier, be a warrior.

- Pat1993

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jun 8 @ 2:01 PM ET
or a butt filler, whatever floats your boat.
- Pat1993

sorry, they came with the tow truck and i had to follow them to the shop.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 8 @ 2:10 PM ET
sorry, they came with the tow truck and i had to follow them to the shop.
- kicksave856

oh it's all good man, it isn't like I was anxiously waiting for a reply and started to think maybe I'm just a loser or whatever...

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