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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:08 AM ET

It could not be more obvious that the question posed in this thread has been temporarily answered, and the answer today is the Senators......... and in the future, who knows.

The biggest signal that this is indeed a fact, and that a couple of leaf fans have "thrown in the towel"; is the desperate attempt to deflect from this reality, by their creation of a number of "who is in a better situation" threads to, perhaps (in their minds), divert attention away from this thread.................. action speak louder than words.

You've waved the white flag, and thrown in the towel, and we accept your surrender.......... Senators are in the better situation.


yea about this.....

btw you left your white flag behind when you ran away. has some brown stains on it..
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:09 AM ET
You are essentially correct. Leaf fans still trying to figure out how to respond to the fabulous Sens run. Great cap to a marvellous season.

But, don't worry they will be back for the summer season come draft week. I promise they will be as irrational as ever. Looking forward to the big blow starting soon enough.

- spatso

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:10 AM ET
It's hilarious watching them go to these lengths to deny the reality that everyone else in Canada has known since 2005......... and that is the facts speak for themselves, and the Senators are mile and mile ahead of the leafs in many aspects.

those are some short miles...
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:12 AM ET
Sens have 4 Dmen prospects that would start for the Leafs next year. Only two will make the jump to the Sens.

White will start the season in Ottawa next year. Minimum of three rookies start the season with Ottawa (Chabot, Harpur, White).

- spatso

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:14 AM ET
Not a problem. I have great confidence that the Sens will lead the Atlantic next season.
- spatso

i bet. you stupid (frank).
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Nov 19 @ 9:15 AM ET


- systemtool

Toronto Maple Leafs
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Joined: 03.14.2014

Nov 19 @ 9:20 AM ET
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:21 AM ET
Amazing, leafs are looking at Seabrooke who has 7 years left on a huge contract. Phaneuf has a lot more left in his legs. We all know why Leaf fans jam the discussion when Phaneuf is mentioned. Good luck with Seabrooke.
- spatso

k ty
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:22 AM ET
Keep avoiding the scoreboard and standings. Results don't matter, you can pretend your own reality. Nothing has ever changed for Leaf fans. You lie to everyone else and soon enough you begin believing your own lies.
- spatso

well then..

are you and d'oops sharing hiding spaces?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:25 AM ET
What part of Eastern Conference finalist and adding top prospects do you not get.

Chabot was far and away the best Dman outside the NHL last year. Harpur is a really talented big man who skates very well and has great ice presence. Chabot is a marvellous skater and puck handler. Ottawa will be far stronger on the back end next year. And, they are already very very good. Colin White is a very solid NHL ready skater who plays hard on the puck and has great finish around the net.

- spatso

the top prospects being added part.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:28 AM ET
Here we go again. Let's ignore scoreboard and results.
- spatso

you got this one right, at least.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Nov 19 @ 9:29 AM ET
It is really quite incredible how much derp can be generated by only two people. Their fellow Sens fans can't even stand them.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:35 AM ET
They will be far stronger next year.
- spatso

thats good.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:38 AM ET
Leafs will pay a huge price this year because they are so weak on the backend. They got off lightly last year when lot of teams went off their A game to play pond hockey with them. It won't happen this year and the Leafs will have tougher nights in terms of the defensive play they encounter.

Having said that I expect the Leafs to contend for a playoff spot and if they hang in until Christmas they could have a strong second half.

I expect the Sens to continue on from their playoff run and win their Division. I expect the addition of one major piece up front before the season opens.

- spatso

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:43 AM ET
Let's talk about anything other than actual results, standings or playoffs.

But, I think tonight is about the real beginning of the McDavid era. Pretty strong showing for the kid.

- spatso

so talk....what about those results standings?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:53 AM ET
and Boucher took a team, leaf fans here thought would finish below the leafs, to the ECFs and within one goal in DOT of game 7, of the SCFs

so scoreboard?


yes. so scoreboard.

remember the better situation we talked about last season? youre seeing it unfold.

so yea..

at least the consistency of rewarding losing hasnt changed.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:54 AM ET
If your a Sens fan you are still living in the afterglow of a wonderful playoff run.
- spatso

may as well stay there and not come out...
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:57 AM ET
Ottawa did fine with Condon replacing Anderson for an extended period. I expect they want him to play a large number of games. A rested Anderson in the playoffs is formidable.

NHL requires you have strong back up. Ottawa will get lots of calls on Condon next year when some teams lose their starter. And, if Anderson goes down the team will be grateful to have Condon available.

- spatso

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:58 AM ET
You realize, of course, the Leafs do not have an impact Dman of Phaneuf's quality.
- spatso

no...i didnt actually.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Nov 19 @ 9:58 AM ET

- systemtool

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:59 AM ET
Really bizarre comment.

By your logic all teams except for the Penguins would have been happier to have missed the playoffs entirely.

Sens will start the season with the best #1 D on the planet in their line up and a minimum of 3 high end rookies breaking into the line up.

How could you not be excited for next year. The Sens play in Sweden at the beginning of the season (against Colorado) and they have an outdoor game at Landsdowne Park. Awesome season coming.

- spatso

minimum 3!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Nov 19 @ 9:59 AM ET
- systemtool

TSN just gave Condon the worst play of the day.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Captain Morgan Rielly
Joined: 05.07.2013

Nov 19 @ 10:03 AM ET


- systemtool

Good stuff.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: member of the honor roll, assistant to the assistant manager of the movie theater
Joined: 09.01.2008

Nov 19 @ 10:03 AM ET
TSN just gave Condon the worst play of the day.
- Aetherial

when you saw it did you get a raging throbbing erection?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Nov 19 @ 10:04 AM ET
Anderson @ $3.1Million, next season
Condom @ $1.7 Million, next season

Equals $4.8 Million for both Starter and Back up goaltenders...... for next season.

The leafs are paying, just their starter $5.0 Million, for next season.

add in the cost for whoever the leafs can get for a back up............... and it ends up with Ottawa having better goaltending and paying much less than the leafs.


stats that prove them as better this year please...?

cause both toronto goalies have better stats than both sens goalies.

troll fail
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