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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Ottawa Senators
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Joined: 06.26.2006

Apr 9 @ 8:29 AM ET
As you can see Toronto is in the middle of a long rebuilding phase and Ottawa is clearly failing to be a cup contender. That means Toronto wins.

Ottawa does have nice banners though and this is what makes things close.

- daeth

As you can see, both teams are clearly failing to be cup contenders. The Leafs fans here were entirely correct in predicting that the goaltending we enjoyed last year could not be maintained this year. That our defense was questionable, capable of scoring goals but equally capable of allowing takeaways. I hadn't heard any Sens fans predicting our lads to challenge for the cup this year, but I HAD read some silly articles suggested Ottawa could come out of the East. We are also in the middle of a rebuild, but the rebuild may have stalled badly with an owner who simply wants wants to stretch a buck. I have a lot of hope for the future, as do the majority of hockey fans, but I'm realistic enough to know that something has to change if we're ever going to get back into contention.

As for the Leafs, I had felt quite positively that they would make the playoffs this year, and I felt this was a good thing for the league. Imagine a Montreal / Toronto series! And I fully expect Toronto to be back in the playoffs next year. But I wonder about Kessel and JVR - did something happen during the Olympics? They seemed to pull a quick fade as soon as they faced Canada, and the Leafs fatal slide happened right after that. Injury, Illness, Confidence - something changed there, and you really have to feel bad for the fans who see an entire season turn sour after a tournament.

At this point (end of season 2013-2014), regardless of which team ends up higher in the standings, I think the Leafs are in a better position in terms of core players and the ability to sign free agents to finish the job. I think the hardest part of their job will be psychological, after the end of the Boston series last year and the end of the season this year. As a Sens fan I know all too well that the "choker" label is a tough one to be rid of, as it takes a LONG time to prove the doubters wrong.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Apr 9 @ 8:29 AM ET
last season Anderson carried the team to the playoffs on a .940 sv%
hiding a lot of issues with the team and making managment feel like the sens were a contender. It probably hurt them more than helped in the overall picture

- senstroll

which is pretty much the EXACT same situation the leafs are in this year.......minus the playoff thing.

i actually think the worst thing that could have happened to your team this year was to sneak into the playoffs, cuz then management probably would have justified not making the necessary changes (including the coach)
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 8:38 AM ET
- Cape Breton Bruins
Yep sorry boston is the only elite team here
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Apr 9 @ 8:42 AM ET
which is pretty much the EXACT same situation the leafs are in this year.......minus the playoff thing.

i actually think the worst thing that could have happened to your team this year was to sneak into the playoffs, cuz then management probably would have justified not making the necessary changes (including the coach)

- sensarmy_11

I agree..it stings of course and having to deal with the blue team elimination watch from other fans... more 1967, 18 wheeler, itwas4-1, game 7 ... is annoying.. it just never ends with the leafs

A coach change will help a lot imo.. but to really make a difference long term everyone has to go from Carlyle up to Nonis..they are poison to the team
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 8:45 AM ET
I agree..it stings of course and having to deal with the blue team elimination watch from other fans... more 1967, 18 wheeler, itwas4-1, game 7 ... is annoying.. it just never ends with the leafs

A coach change will help a lot imo.. but to really make a difference long term everyone has to go from Carlyle up to Nonis..they are poison to the team

- senstroll
Your young blueline will get another offseason,to work on their overall game .As will ours ,they will get better
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Apr 9 @ 8:46 AM ET

As for the Leafs, I had felt quite positively that they would make the playoffs this year, and I felt this was a good thing for the league. Imagine a Montreal / Toronto series! And I fully expect Toronto to be back in the playoffs next year. But I wonder about Kessel and JVR - did something happen during the Olympics? They seemed to pull a quick fade as soon as they faced Canada, and the Leafs fatal slide happened right after that. Injury, Illness, Confidence - something changed there, and you really have to feel bad for the fans who see an entire season turn sour after a tournament.

- Mr_Squeaks

I just think its the volatile system the leafs play.. the ride unsustainable highs with sh% and sv% and those fall quickly.. Kessel rode a very hot streak and it just came to an end. They leafs dont have the proper system in place to overcome it..if the PDO drops..the leafs are toast until the next hot streak comes.

the season was basically start hot 11-4 ..go on 35 game dive, get hot for 15 games..then dive for last 20+

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Apr 9 @ 8:52 AM ET
I agree..it stings of course and having to deal with the blue team elimination watch from other fans... more 1967, 18 wheeler, itwas4-1, game 7 ... is annoying.. it just never ends with the leafs

A coach change will help a lot imo.. but to really make a difference long term everyone has to go from Carlyle up to Nonis..they are poison to the team

- senstroll

even your president seems lost....lieweckie, or however you spell that, comes across like an idiot, and completely clueless, every time he's interviewed.
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:02 AM ET
even your president seems lost....lieweckie, or however you spell that, comes across like an idiot, and completely clueless, every time he's interviewed.
- sensarmy_11

I agree
from him down, they all seem out of touch with what is really the problem
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:06 AM ET
I agree
from him down, they all seem out of touch with what is really the problem

- senstroll
Meh ,he is just a oversee suit for the corp.He has no idea about what is involved with running a hockey team ,the leafs will be fine they are just too green on the blueline
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Apr 9 @ 9:07 AM ET
I agree
from him down, they all seem out of touch with what is really the problem

- senstroll

liewiecke seems much more concerned with the raptors and the soccer team.........he knows the leafs will make money hand over fist, no matter what kind of team they put on the ice......but the basketball and soccer teams need to be competitive to succeed.

as always, MLSE is run based on teh almighty dollar first and foremost
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Apr 9 @ 9:10 AM ET
Meh ,he is just a oversee suit for the corp.He has no idea about what is involved with running a hockey team ,the leafs will be fine they are just too green on the blueline

- top shelf 15

they're also very thin up front. once you get beyond the first line, and kadri, there isn't much depth at forward.

lupul is good, but he misses like 20-30 games every year. raymond is a 3rd liner who had a good start. clarkson..... . bolland is maybe the most overhyped player EVER. kulemin is as good as gone.

the leafs basically have 4 good forwards, and then a bunch of easily replaced, although very expensive, filler.

i think there are more holes then simply on the blue line. their forward group reminds me a lot of ottawa when they had the alfi-spezza-heatley line....one EXCELLENT line, and not a hell of a lot beyond that.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:17 AM ET
they're also very thin up front. once you get beyond the first line, and kadri, there isn't much depth at forward.

lupul is good, but he misses like 20-30 games every year. raymond is a 3rd liner who had a good start. clarkson..... . bolland is maybe the most overhyped player EVER. kulemin is as good as gone.

the leafs basically have 4 good forwards, and then a bunch of easily replaced, although very expensive, filler.

i think there are more holes then simply on the blue line. their forward group reminds me a lot of ottawa when they had the alfi-spezza-heatley line....one EXCELLENT line, and not a hell of a lot beyond that.

- sensarmy_11
Losing grabo and mac for nothing ,has hurt them for sure
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:27 AM ET
Oh, the Leafs are playing tonight?
- daeth

don't worry, they weren't told either.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:29 AM ET
Losing grabo and mac for nothing ,has hurt them for sure

- top shelf 15

no, losing Bolland and having Clarkson crap out hurt them.

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:30 AM ET
they're also very thin up front. once you get beyond the first line, and kadri, there isn't much depth at forward.

lupul is good, but he misses like 20-30 games every year. raymond is a 3rd liner who had a good start. clarkson..... . bolland is maybe the most overhyped player EVER. kulemin is as good as gone.

the leafs basically have 4 good forwards, and then a bunch of easily replaced, although very expensive, filler.

i think there are more holes then simply on the blue line. their forward group reminds me a lot of ottawa when they had the alfi-spezza-heatley line....one EXCELLENT line, and not a hell of a lot beyond that.

- sensarmy_11

Why is Kulemin as good as gone? His agent was in town recently talking with Nonis. Think they'd be talking if Kulemin didn't want to stay?
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Apr 9 @ 9:31 AM ET
no, losing Bolland and having Clarkson crap out hurt them.
- Feeling Glucky?

If losing a guy like Bolland really hurt the Leafs, then they are in much bigger trouble than you can imagine.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:34 AM ET
If losing a guy like Bolland really hurt the Leafs, then they are in much bigger trouble than you can imagine.
- Pecafan Fan

*sigh* Marty, look what I responded to, figure it out.

Ps- are these your 1st two posts in this thread? why would you do that to yourself?
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:34 AM ET
no, losing Bolland and having Clarkson crap out hurt them.
- Feeling Glucky?
Bolland ill give you ,but i was never sold on the leafs need for clarkson over either Mac or Grabo.3rd and 4th line grit they have in spades coming from the marlies.A decent winger like mac beside kadri might have been useful imo
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:37 AM ET
Bolland ill give you ,but i was never sold on the leafs need for clarkson over either Mac or Grabo.3rd and 4th line grit they have in spades coming from the marlies.A decent winger like mac beside kadri might have been useful imo

- top shelf 15

Mac wasn't a decent winger, that's the problem.

Clarkson was brought in for the 2nd line role, and in his first season, anyways, has been a complete failure... if he had been a tough 15-25 goal scorer like he was supposed to be, he'd have been a big upgrade at wing.

Bolland was brought in to replace Grabo as 3rd line center... an obvious upgrade at that position
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:42 AM ET
Meh ,he is just a oversee suit for the corp.He has no idea about what is involved with running a hockey team ,the leafs will be fine they are just too green on the blueline

- top shelf 15

TL needs to be able to put the proper person in place.
if he thinks Nonis and his crew know what they are doing.. we are doomed
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:43 AM ET
Mac wasn't a decent winger, that's the problem.

Clarkson was brought in for the 2nd line role, and in his first season, anyways, has been a complete failure... if he had been a tough 15-25 goal scorer like he was supposed to be, he'd have been a big upgrade at wing.

Bolland was brought in to replace Grabo as 3rd line center... an obvious upgrade at that position

- Feeling Glucky?
He seems to be ,and for 3.5 mil a season on a short term deal .You would have bought time at least to develop or find a better one .Now you guys are stuck ,with an huge contract ,and more uncertainty
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:43 AM ET
Mac wasn't a decent winger, that's the problem.

Clarkson was brought in for the 2nd line role, and in his first season, anyways, has been a complete failure... if he had been a tough 15-25 goal scorer like he was supposed to be, he'd have been a big upgrade at wing.

Bolland was brought in to replace Grabo as 3rd line center... an obvious upgrade at that position

- Feeling Glucky?
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:45 AM ET
He seems to be ,and for 3.5 mil a season on a short term deal .You would have bought time at least to develop or find a better one .Now you guys are stuck ,with an huge contract ,and more uncertainty

- top shelf 15

The team can still develop their youngsters, even with signing Clarkson .

Leivo's coming along pretty nicely, and looked good in limited time with the Leafs.
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Apr 9 @ 9:47 AM ET
Mac wasn't a decent winger, that's the problem.

Clarkson was brought in for the 2nd line role, and in his first season, anyways, has been a complete failure... if he had been a tough 15-25 goal scorer like he was supposed to be, he'd have been a big upgrade at wing.

Bolland was brought in to replace Grabo as 3rd line center... an obvious upgrade at that position

- Feeling Glucky?

I disagree with all 3 of your points.

Mac was fine for 3 mil or whatever..good possession player. Randy ran him out

Clarkson is not skilled enough to play top 6.. he is a 3rd line grinder will never score 15 goals again.

Bolland is over rated 100%. I see why chicago let him go after scoring the cup winning goal. Sell high he is not that good. Grabovski is a better player 100%

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 9 @ 9:49 AM ET
The leafs record prior to the Olympic break was .583 P% (60 games)

The leafs record since the Olympic break is .350 P% (20 games)

I wonder if the leafs would have been able to maintain, or stay close to their P% pace after 60 games, if there had not been an NHL shutdown for the Olympics???

(Ottawa prior to Shutdown .534, after .474, for comparison.)
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