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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jan 14 @ 11:53 AM ET
outsider's perspective just reading the last few posts: you're both pretty obsessed with the other's team. i mean, come on.

the real gem i've taken away from all of this is that even sens fans know dErps is learning disabled.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 11:53 AM ET
Again, we both know, every hockey fan on the planet would say the state of the Leafs is miles better than the senaturds.........
- prock

you didn't answer any of my questions......i'll wait
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 11:54 AM ET
outsider's perspective just reading the last few posts: you're both pretty obsessed with the other's team. i mean, come on.

the real gem i've taken away from all of this is that even sens fans know dErps is learning disabled.

- kicksave856

him and prock would need their own special short bus to take to school, with spatso as the driver......roeper would be the bus monitor.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jan 14 @ 11:55 AM ET
him and prock would need their own special short bus to take to school, with spatso as the driver......roeper would be the bus monitor.
- sensarmy_11

now there's a bus badly in need of a tall cliff.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 11:57 AM ET
now there's a bus badly in need of a tall cliff.
- kicksave856

Vegas Golden Knights
Location: Bobby Ryan + 1st rounder for Clarkson, ON
Joined: 08.30.2007

Jan 14 @ 12:17 PM ET
you didn't answer any of my questions......i'll wait
- sensarmy_11

I've seen my team play for the cup........have you? You haven't really. The turds didn't belong there, and it showed.
I've seen my team play in multiple conference finals........have you? Who cares?
I've seen my team win division titles and president's trophies.........have you? Again, who cares?
I've seen great players in Ottawa win multiple major NHL awards........have you? No you haven't...... What great players? Alfredsson? That guy that played second fiddle to Sundin as a Swede his whole career and jumped ship because Melnyk chased him out of town? Karlsson? A couple of Norris trophies he didn't deserve, and years of senaturds claiming "if he played for a good team you'd see he was great, then he got traded and it truly showed just how bad he is?

And again, your organization is garbage and will be for the foreseeable future.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 12:28 PM ET
I've seen my team play for the cup........have you? You haven't really. The turds didn't belong there, and it showed.
I've seen my team play in multiple conference finals........have you? Who cares?
I've seen my team win division titles and president's trophies.........have you? Again, who cares?
I've seen great players in Ottawa win multiple major NHL awards........have you? No you haven't...... What great players? Alfredsson? That guy that played second fiddle to Sundin as a Swede his whole career and jumped ship because Melnyk chased him out of town? Karlsson? A couple of Norris trophies he didn't deserve, and years of senaturds claiming "if he played for a good team you'd see he was great, then he got traded and it truly showed just how bad he is?

And again, your organization is garbage and will be for the foreseeable future.

- prock

it's beautiful how triggered you are.........and how aware you are of what a giant failure of an organization the leafs are, yet you're afraid to admit it.

you're like trump trying to convince everyone that everything is fine with his presidency.
Vegas Golden Knights
Location: Bobby Ryan + 1st rounder for Clarkson, ON
Joined: 08.30.2007

Jan 14 @ 12:45 PM ET
it's beautiful how triggered you are.........and how aware you are of what a giant failure of an organization the leafs are, yet you're afraid to admit it.

you're like trump trying to convince everyone that everything is fine with his presidency.

- sensarmy_11

I think you might be a little bipolar. You asked me multiple times to answer your questions, I do, then you say I'm triggered. That makes no sense.

If anything, your repeated attempts to get me to point out your team's inadequacies is a pretty good sign that you are the one that is "triggered".

You're embarrassing yourself.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 1:13 PM ET
I think you might be a little bipolar. You asked me multiple times to answer your questions, I do, then you say I'm triggered. That makes no sense.

If anything, your repeated attempts to get me to point out your team's inadequacies is a pretty good sign that you are the one that is "triggered".

You're embarrassing yourself.

- prock

the only embarrassment has been the leafs on-ice product for the last half century.......oh, and your refusal to acknowledge that the since coming back into the league, the sens have enjoyed INFINITELY more success than the leafs have in that same time frame (or that they enjoyed for the 25 years leading up to that point).

pop quiz, can you name the only teams in NHL history who've never played more than 3 rounds of playoff hockey?

i'll give you a hint, the leafs are one of them

oh, and by the way, the answers that you should have given to my questions, were you telling the truth, would have been:

no, you've never seen your team play for the cup
no, you haven't seen your team play in multiple, or any, conference finals
no, you haven't seen your team EVER win the division or president's trophy
and no, you've never seen players on your team win multiple major awards....only guy who won anything was Matthews, and it was debatable as to whether or not he deserved to win
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Jan 14 @ 1:48 PM ET
dopps non-existing sanity aside......you should probably worry more about your own team and less about the sens.

the sens are EXACTLY where they want to be.

the leafs on the other hand are fighting for their playoff lives, are buried in cap hell, are unable to deal with their current injuries as a result of that cap hell, have a garbage farm system, and only 1 NHL calibre dman under contract for next year.

your team has enough problems, you should probably turn down your absolute OBSESSION with the sens

edit - and should YOU, of all people, really criticize someone else for having "nothing else".......all you do is post about the sens in these forums. your absolute obsession would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

- sensarmy_11

Some of what you say is true, but any objective look at the farm system, considering what has been taken off of the farm the last few years, really runs counter to your statement.

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 2:01 PM ET
Some of what you say is true, but any objective look at the farm system, considering what has been taken off of the farm the last few years, really runs counter to your statement.
- Aetherial

sure, you've taken some good players off your system, but it doesn't negate the fact that right now, what isn't at the NHL level, is pretty mediocre. most rankings have the leafs farm system somewhere in the low to mid 20's in terms of NHL rankings. the leafs have, expectedly, done great with their high draft picks....but they haven't had much success picking quality prospects outside of top 10 draft picks. Sandin looks like the only "sure thing" that the leafs have taken outside the top 10 in like 15 years. MAYBE Bracco and Lillegren turn into good NHL players, but far from a sure thing.......other than that, the best player the leafs have taken outside the top 10 in the cap era is Connor Brown

so now, because all your young guys at the NHL level are making MASSIVE money coming out of their ELCs, the leafs have almost zero cap room to add to their roster via trade or free agency, and there is very little in terms of quality coming up the pipeline that is still on ELC

whether you guys admit it or not, the leafs are in BIG trouble moving forward, unless they move one of those 4 big contracts up front
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Jan 14 @ 2:04 PM ET
the only embarrassment has been the leafs on-ice product for the last half century.......oh, and your refusal to acknowledge that the since coming back into the league, the sens have enjoyed INFINITELY more success than the leafs have in that same time frame (or that they enjoyed for the 25 years leading up to that point).

pop quiz, can you name the only teams in NHL history who've never played more than 3 rounds of playoff hockey?

i'll give you a hint, the leafs are one of them

oh, and by the way, the answers that you should have given to my questions, were you telling the truth, would have been:

no, you've never seen your team play for the cup
no, you haven't seen your team play in multiple, or any, conference finals
no, you haven't seen your team EVER win the division or president's trophy
and no, you've never seen players on your team win multiple major awards....only guy who won anything was Matthews, and it was debatable as to whether or not he deserved to win

- sensarmy_11


These arguments were all brought up by SpazzD'oops.

I get that you are probably more responding to Prock than anyone else. You really want to be careful to not go full Spazz'D'oops here. They got so embarrassed that they had to leave after an entire year of this kind of embarrassment.

I won't bother to point out where you are being wrong or stupid. There is no point. Read this thread.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Jan 14 @ 2:18 PM ET
sure, you've taken some good players off your system, but it doesn't negate the fact that right now, what isn't at the NHL level, is pretty mediocre. most rankings have the leafs farm system somewhere in the low to mid 20's in terms of NHL rankings.

so now, because all your young guys at the NHL level are making MASSIVE money coming out of their ELCs, the leafs have almost zero cap room to add to their roster via trade or free agency, and there is very little in terms of quality coming up the pipeline that is still on ELC

whether you guys admit it or not, the leafs are in BIG trouble moving forward, unless they move one of those 4 big contracts up front

- sensarmy_11

Yeah, I sure wish we had the roster, farm system, and cap space of the Sens.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 2:25 PM ET
Yeah, I sure wish we had the roster, farm system, and cap space of the Sens.

- Aetherial

your NHL roster is better

your farm system isn't even close......and ours is about to get significantly better

as for cap space, well you should be wishing you had some cap space......it would allow you to deal with all of these injuries, as opposed to rolling out an AHL calibre defence for the next 2 months
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jan 14 @ 2:28 PM ET
your NHL roster is better

your farm system isn't even close......and ours is about to get significantly better

as for cap space, well you should be wishing you had some cap space......it would allow you to deal with all of these injuries, as opposed to rolling out an AHL calibre defence for the next 2 months

- sensarmy_11

the leafs need cap space so they can sign 47 goal centers and young centers on pace for 50+

sucks they dont have the money for such players
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Jan 14 @ 2:34 PM ET
your NHL roster is better

your farm system isn't even close......and ours is about to get significantly better

as for cap space, well you should be wishing you had some cap space......it would allow you to deal with all of these injuries, as opposed to rolling out an AHL calibre defence for the next 2 months

- sensarmy_11

Name one team with the cap space to adequately replace their best 2 Dmen. This is the nature of the league. Many teams, and almost all the best teams, are up against the cap.

I find it incredible that suddenly the Leafs farm system is not even close.

They won 2 years ago with an average age barely above the Sens farm (it might have even been below). They almost won last year.

Go back and look at the last 2 years where the Sens farm system finished.

This year the Leafs farm team has lost Timashov, Holl, Marincin, Moore, Engvall and are only 4 points back of the Sens farm team. I have not even bothered to look at injuries at the farm level.

Somehow you conclude that our farm system is not even close?

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 4:15 PM ET
Name one team with the cap space to adequately replace their best 2 Dmen. This is the nature of the league. Many teams, and almost all the best teams, are up against the cap.

I find it incredible that suddenly the Leafs farm system is not even close.

They won 2 years ago with an average age barely above the Sens farm (it might have even been below). They almost won last year.

Go back and look at the last 2 years where the Sens farm system finished.

This year the Leafs farm team has lost Timashov, Holl, Marincin, Moore, Engvall and are only 4 points back of the Sens farm team. I have not even bothered to look at injuries at the farm level.

Somehow you conclude that our farm system is not even close?


- Aetherial

1. Your top 2 dmen make 9 mil combined......there are lots of teams who have that much cap space.

2. I’m not talking about the quality of your AHL team, I’m talking about the quality of your prospect pool. The young guys on the AHL team who are developing to be NHLers, the kids still playing in junior, the NCAA, or Europe. A majority of AHL teams are filled with career AHL guys, or fringe NHL guys who jump back and forth. Look at the Marlies right now.....after Sandin and Lillejegren we’re called up, there is like 1 guy on that team with the potential of MAYBE being an impact NHL player

Ottawa’s pool of prospects is FAR FAR FAR superior to the leafs. There isn’t a prospect pool ranking in existence that has them within 15-20 spots of each other......and Ottawa is about to add 2 more top 10 picks to that.

I understand that given where the 2 teams are in the standings that it’s normal Ottawa will have a better prospect pool.....and the leafs a much better NHL roster. Problem is that the leafs have WAAAAYYYYY too much money invested in a small number of guys, and now have no money and no quality prospects on ELCs to compliment that small elite group of players. Hence the reason that a team with 3 superstars with contracts over 10 mil (plus Reilly and nylander) is fighting for their playoff lives and have arguably the worst defense of any team currently in the playoffs (and a bunch of teams who aren’t in). He’ll, even when they’re healthy, this supposed cup contending team probably doesn’t have a top 10-15 D
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: i love how not saying dumb things on the internet was never an option.
Joined: 09.29.2005

Jan 14 @ 4:26 PM ET

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Jan 14 @ 4:28 PM ET

- kicksave856

Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jan 14 @ 4:35 PM ET
leafs > sens
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jan 14 @ 4:35 PM ET
and my dad could probably beat up your dad, just need a necromancer first
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Jan 14 @ 7:31 PM ET
1. Your top 2 dmen make 9 mil combined......there are lots of teams who have that much cap space.

2. I’m not talking about the quality of your AHL team, I’m talking about the quality of your prospect pool. The young guys on the AHL team who are developing to be NHLers, the kids still playing in junior, the NCAA, or Europe. A majority of AHL teams are filled with career AHL guys, or fringe NHL guys who jump back and forth. Look at the Marlies right now.....after Sandin and Lillejegren we’re called up, there is like 1 guy on that team with the potential of MAYBE being an impact NHL player

Ottawa’s pool of prospects is FAR FAR FAR superior to the leafs. There isn’t a prospect pool ranking in existence that has them within 15-20 spots of each other......and Ottawa is about to add 2 more top 10 picks to that.

I understand that given where the 2 teams are in the standings that it’s normal Ottawa will have a better prospect pool.....and the leafs a much better NHL roster. Problem is that the leafs have WAAAAYYYYY too much money invested in a small number of guys, and now have no money and no quality prospects on ELCs to compliment that small elite group of players. Hence the reason that a team with 3 superstars with contracts over 10 mil (plus Reilly and nylander) is fighting for their playoff lives and have arguably the worst defense of any team currently in the playoffs (and a bunch of teams who aren’t in). He’ll, even when they’re healthy, this supposed cup contending team probably doesn’t have a top 10-15 D

- sensarmy_11

OK I give up. I'm not repeating 1000+ pages all over again.

You have some valid criticisms that become completely invalid with the ridiculous, over the top exaggeration.

We've read all this same stuff for years now.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.06.2007

Jan 14 @ 9:32 PM ET
dopps non-existing sanity aside......you should probably worry more about your own team and less about the sens.

the sens are EXACTLY where they want to be.

the leafs on the other hand are fighting for their playoff lives, are buried in cap hell, are unable to deal with their current injuries as a result of that cap hell, have a garbage farm system, and only 1 NHL calibre dman under contract for next year.

your team has enough problems, you should probably turn down your absolute OBSESSION with the sens

edit - and should YOU, of all people, really criticize someone else for having "nothing else".......all you do is post about the sens in these forums. your absolute obsession would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

- sensarmy_11

oh good a spatso replacement
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Jan 14 @ 10:46 PM ET
sure, you've taken some good players off your system, but it doesn't negate the fact that right now, what isn't at the NHL level, is pretty mediocre. most rankings have the leafs farm system somewhere in the low to mid 20's in terms of NHL rankings. the leafs have, expectedly, done great with their high draft picks....but they haven't had much success picking quality prospects outside of top 10 draft picks. Sandin looks like the only "sure thing" that the leafs have taken outside the top 10 in like 15 years. MAYBE Bracco and Lillegren turn into good NHL players, but far from a sure thing.......other than that, the best player the leafs have taken outside the top 10 in the cap era is Connor Brown

so now, because all your young guys at the NHL level are making MASSIVE money coming out of their ELCs, the leafs have almost zero cap room to add to their roster via trade or free agency, and there is very little in terms of quality coming up the pipeline that is still on ELC

whether you guys admit it or not, the leafs are in BIG trouble moving forward, unless they move one of those 4 big contracts up front

- sensarmy_11

7th round currently on the roster- Johnsson and Engvall.

Liljegren has been the Marlies best player all season long. Bracco will probably be an NHL'er but probably not on the Leafs (too deep and good on the right wing). Robertson has 28 goals in 26 games in the OHL.

LeAfS hAvE nO pRoSpEcTs!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Jan 14 @ 10:48 PM ET
Name one team with the cap space to adequately replace their best 2 Dmen. This is the nature of the league. Many teams, and almost all the best teams, are up against the cap.

I find it incredible that suddenly the Leafs farm system is not even close.

They won 2 years ago with an average age barely above the Sens farm (it might have even been below). They almost won last year.

Go back and look at the last 2 years where the Sens farm system finished.

This year the Leafs farm team has lost Timashov, Holl, Marincin, Moore, Engvall and are only 4 points back of the Sens farm team. I have not even bothered to look at injuries at the farm level.

Somehow you conclude that our farm system is not even close?


- Aetherial

Brooks and Marchment are both with the Leafs at the moment, too. Sandin and Liljegren, as well.
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