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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 8:17 AM ET



hindsight is awesome.

- sensarmy_11

Why are you laughing at that?? KAberle gor MORE than a 1st.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Sep 16 @ 8:21 AM ET
Why are you laughing at that?? KAberle gor MORE than a 1st.
- burn

I think Boston felt bad about the Raycroft trade still.

Non of the parts Toronto got have turned into anything though. They still owe us.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 16 @ 8:23 AM ET
I think Boston felt bad about the Raycroft trade still.

Non of the parts Toronto got have turned into anything though. They still owe us.

- daeth

2nd got us Liles, who was awesome until he got KOed

Just like Kaberle, now that I think about it...

edit: And Tyler Biggs!
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Sep 16 @ 8:28 AM ET
2nd got us Liles, who was awesome until he got KOed

Just like Kaberle, now that I think about it...

edit: And Tyler Biggs!

- Feeling Glucky?

John Gibson+Rickard Rakell (the boston 1st) for Biggs
Mike Winther (the conditional 2nd from boston) for Liles

The Leafs really (frank)ed up with those boston picks, holy poop.

Of course if the Leafs kept those picks they would've selected more useless players.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Sep 16 @ 8:31 AM ET
I almost wish they just kept Kaberle so I wouldn't have had to realize at this very moment how horribly they managed the assets they got in return.

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 8:33 AM ET
Why are you laughing at that?? KAberle gor MORE than a 1st.
- burn

i'm not laughing at it then...........melnyk was also worth billions back then.

i'm looking at it in hindsight, and it's funny.

kaberle turned into a pretty crappy player, and melnyk is 2 steps short of being bankrupt
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 8:34 AM ET
I think Boston felt bad about the Raycroft trade still.

Non of the parts Toronto got have turned into anything though. They still owe us.

- daeth

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 8:39 AM ET
i'm not laughing at it then...........melnyk was also worth billions back then.

i'm looking at it in hindsight, and it's funny.

kaberle turned into a pretty crappy player, and melnyk is 2 steps short of being bankrupt

- sensarmy_11

What hindsight make the kaberle deal funny?? I'm not understanding..... The poster (and many many others) said KAberle was worth a 1st and got laughed at and ridiculed. He got even more than what they were saying, and now you're saying that the hindsight is funny?? Only thing funny about it was how totally clueless those that laughed at the 1st rounder value.

and also what difference does it make that Melnyk is worth billions?? He's not putting those monies into the team. they are a budget team.

Not seeing your point. You're bringing up points from the past and laughing at them, and yet they are pretty dead on.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Sep 16 @ 8:39 AM ET
I'm genuinely shocked that the Leafs at one point owned the pick that turned into Gibson.

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 8:49 AM ET
What hindsight make the kaberle deal funny?? I'm not understanding..... The poster (and many many others) said KAberle was worth a 1st and got laughed at and ridiculed. He got even more than what they were saying, and now you're saying that the hindsight is funny?? Only thing funny about it was how totally clueless those that laughed at the 1st rounder value.

and also what difference does it make that Melnyk is worth billions?? He's not putting those monies into the team. they are a budget team.

Not seeing your point. You're bringing up points from the past and laughing at them, and yet they are pretty dead on.

- burn

my point was that it's funny to look back at the way things were then, and peoples opinions back then, and compare it to the reality right now. not saying the opinions were wrong then, just VERY different from what is reality today.

back then, schenn was an untouchable, tlusty was gonna be a stud player for the leafs, and kabelre was your best d-man. you guys were in full rebuild with tons of cap spae

ottawa had an owner worth billions who spent to the cap every year, and we were talking about building our team around heatley and spezza. sens were loaded with huge contracts, veteran players, and hard up against the cap.

i find it funny how much things have changed, and reading peoples arguments and justifications back then, when looking at how things are now, is funny.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 16 @ 9:12 AM ET
I'm genuinely shocked that the Leafs at one point owned the pick that turned into Gibson.


- daeth

They also owned the Luongo pick

Trading for Biggs was a mistake. So much talent available.

At least Percy looks good.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 16 @ 9:14 AM ET
my point was that it's funny to look back at the way things were then, and peoples opinions back then, and compare it to the reality right now. not saying the opinions were wrong then, just VERY different from what is reality today.

back then, schenn was an untouchable, tlusty was gonna be a stud player for the leafs, and kabelre was your best d-man. you guys were in full rebuild with tons of cap spae

ottawa had an owner worth billions who spent to the cap every year, and we were talking about building our team around heatley and spezza. sens were loaded with huge contracts, veteran players, and hard up against the cap.

i find it funny how much things have changed, and reading peoples arguments and justifications back then, when looking at how things are now, is funny.

- sensarmy_11

He's right, the Kaberle thing is silly. People said he was worth a 1st, and he got that and a bit more. Hindsight shows that Leafs fans were right about him.

Bringing up Schenn/Tlusty praise would have worked out better.

Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 9:17 AM ET
He's right, the Kaberle thing is silly. People said he was worth a 1st, and he got that and a bit more. Hindsight shows that Leafs fans were right about him.

Bringing up Schenn/Tlusty praise would have worked out better.

- Feeling Glucky?

fair enough. i was just laughing because i read on twitter the other day that kaberle was looking for a PTO somewhere and couldn't get one. just thought it was funny how far he's fallen.......similar to heatley.

he was absolutely worth a 1st at the time....probably your best d-man, just clearly not worth it now.

my overall point was simply that it was funny to read the posts back then, seeing who were core players, who was worth what, etc.....and how much it's changed.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:20 AM ET
my point was that it's funny to look back at the way things were then, and peoples opinions back then, and compare it to the reality right now. not saying the opinions were wrong then, just VERY different from what is reality today.

back then, schenn was an untouchable, tlusty was gonna be a stud player for the leafs, and kabelre was your best d-man. you guys were in full rebuild with tons of cap spae

ottawa had an owner worth billions who spent to the cap every year, and we were talking about building our team around heatley and spezza. sens were loaded with huge contracts, veteran players, and hard up against the cap.

i find it funny how much things have changed, and reading peoples arguments and justifications back then, when looking at how things are now, is funny.

- sensarmy_11

I don;t understand what is funny about the hindsight of a poster saying "KAberle is worth at least a 1st". He got more than that. Why are you pointing out this post and laughing at it when he was in fact correct??

Ottawa spends to the cap every year??

13/14 - 26th in cap
12/13 - 25th
11/12 - 26th
10/11 - 14th
09/10 - 6th
08/09 - 12th
07/08 - 25th

So one year where they were above the half way mark. And you're laughing at people saying that the owner is cheap and doesn't spend money?? Again the poster that you quoted from years ago seems to be correct and you have quoted him years later laughing at him.

I do not get your highlighting of past (factually correct) posts and laughing at them.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:21 AM ET
He's right, the Kaberle thing is silly. People said he was worth a 1st, and he got that and a bit more. Hindsight shows that Leafs fans were right about him.

Bringing up Schenn/Tlusty praise would have worked out better.

- Feeling Glucky?

Schenn got us a 24 yr old 30 goal guy on a magnificent contract. I don't think that works either.

I don't recall anything about tlusty being highly thought of.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:23 AM ET
fair enough. i was just laughing because i read on twitter the other day that kaberle was looking for a PTO somewhere and couldn't get one. just thought it was funny how far he's fallen.......similar to heatley.

he was absolutely worth a 1st at the time....probably your best d-man, just clearly not worth it now.

my overall point was simply that it was funny to read the posts back then, seeing who were core players, who was worth what, etc.....and how much it's changed.

- sensarmy_11

It certainly didnt read that way. It came off as you dredging up the past and saying "look at this guy that thought KAberle was worth a 1st, how funny is that!!!"
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 9:27 AM ET
It certainly didnt read that way. It came off as you dredging up the past and saying "look at this guy that thought KAberle was worth a 1st, how funny is that!!!"
- burn

it just came off wrong.....i wasn't criticizing what people were saying, i was just talking to the other guy and saying that it was funny reading old posts, and comparing them to the reality of today.

there were also guys who were saying that the heatley deal was a steal, and that ottawa would be building thier team around him.

at the time, very true......looking at it now, know what happened, makes me laugh.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:38 AM ET
it just came off wrong.....i wasn't criticizing what people were saying, i was just talking to the other guy and saying that it was funny reading old posts, and comparing them to the reality of today.

there were also guys who were saying that the heatley deal was a steal, and that ottawa would be building thier team around him.

at the time, very true......looking at it now, know what happened, makes me laugh.

- sensarmy_11

I guess that's where it went off the rails. You quoted Daeth who posted an old quote about Gionta being better than Kessel. He was laughing at that because of how ridiculous that was even then. You posted quotes that were accurate then and history has proven it out even more so.

I just didn't see the similarities in what you posted.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 9:42 AM ET
I guess that's where it went off the rails. You quoted Daeth who posted an old quote about Gionta being better than Kessel. He was laughing at that because of how ridiculous that was even then. You posted quotes that were accurate then and history has proven it out even more so.

I just didn't see the similarities in what you posted.

- burn

at the time, gionta was a couple of years removed from a 48 goal 90 pt season, and still a 25 goal 50-60pt guy. kessel was a 2nd or 3rd year player, although very good not nearly the player he is today. in hindsight it is ridiculous, but at the time not THAT ridiculous.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:46 AM ET
at the time, gionta was a couple of years removed from a 48 goal 90 pt season, and still a 25 goal 50-60pt guy. kessel was a 2nd or 3rd year player, although very good not nearly the player he is today. in hindsight it is ridiculous, but at the time not THAT ridiculous.
- sensarmy_11

Umm Kessel was putting up 30 goals and 50-60 pts and Gionta was mid to late 20's and >50pts. So yeah it was ridiculous at the time.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 16 @ 9:47 AM ET
Schenn got us a 24 yr old 30 goal guy on a magnificent contract. I don't think that works either.

I don't recall anything about tlusty being highly thought of.

- burn

Well, that trade was a steal... Schenn hasn;t panned out as many(like me) had hoped.

And really? Tlusty was talked up quite a bit in his time with the Leafs.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Sep 16 @ 9:48 AM ET
at the time, gionta was a couple of years removed from a 48 goal 90 pt season, and still a 25 goal 50-60pt guy. kessel was a 2nd or 3rd year player, although very good not nearly the player he is today. in hindsight it is ridiculous, but at the time not THAT ridiculous.
- sensarmy_11

It was pretty ridiculous at the time. Ridiculous enough to get me to make my first post in this thread.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 16 @ 9:53 AM ET
Well, that trade was a steal... Schenn hasn;t panned out as many(like me) had hoped.

And really? Tlusty was talked up quite a bit in his time with the Leafs.

- Feeling Glucky?

I don't recall seeing much hype around him. He was drafted in 06 and got into hot water the following year (first year in NA). He was written off pretty quick.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: taking the low road
Joined: 10.14.2006

Sep 16 @ 10:02 AM ET
It was pretty ridiculous at the time. Ridiculous enough to get me to make my first post in this thread.
- daeth

and worthy of a beating
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Sep 16 @ 10:06 AM ET
Umm Kessel was putting up 30 goals and 50-60 pts and Gionta was mid to late 20's and >50pts. So yeah it was ridiculous at the time.
- burn

their production was similar.....kessel was a bit higher in goals, gionta a bit higher in points. when you consider their ages, then obviously kessel was the better asset. it's not like he was comparing a 90pt player to a 40pt player though.....he was comparing a 55pt player to a 50pt player.

so ridiculous, but not stupidly ridiculous. like i said, it looks more ridiculous lookign back, because we all know how awesome kessel is now, and how far gionta has fallen from his devils and early habs days.
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