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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 3 @ 1:02 PM ET
Now there you go! I agree. Nobody should care if Laine wins the Calder.
- spatso

No one said they did..... But you've managed to concoct a realm of reality that they did, and you delusionally beleive it to be true.

I've asked hundred of times where you get this from and each and every time you've ignored it (along with the the nonsensical summer talk bs)

But not a troll.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 3 @ 2:58 PM ET
Holy poop the leafs fans in here are laughably sensitive
- Crimsoninja

Maple Laughs? AmIright?
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 5:09 PM ET
No one said they did..... But you've managed to concoct a realm of reality that they did, and you delusionally beleive it to be true.

I've asked hundred of times where you get this from and each and every time you've ignored it (along with the the nonsensical summer talk bs)

But not a troll.

- burn

He is not wrong on one point. Every summer over the last ten years, I have seen a majority of Leafs fans thinking they have a playoff team. Not all, but a slightly "slow" majority.

This year however, is the first year I would be incredibly excited if I were a Leaf fan. Some people on this thread said it takes 5-10 years to properly rebuild. That is simple insanity. Holmgren totally rebuilt the Flyers in one (frank)ing year a few years back. There is no magic bullet for a rebuild... (See Edmonton)

As long as Shanahan does not (frank) up and go full Burke, and makes some smart moves, the Leafs are a powerhouse in a couple of years. These are painful words for me to say, now I must go vomit!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 3 @ 5:20 PM ET
He is not wrong on one point. Every summer over the last ten years, I have seen a majority of Leafs fans thinking they have a playoff team. Not all, but a slightly "slow" majority.

This year however, is the first year I would be incredibly excited if I were a Leaf fan. Some people on this thread said it takes 5-10 years to properly rebuild. That is simple insanity. Holmgren totally rebuilt the Flyers in one (frank)ing year a few years back. There is no magic bullet for a rebuild... (See Edmonton)

As long as Shanahan does not (frank) up and go full Burke, and makes some smart moves, the Leafs are a powerhouse in a couple of years. These are painful words for me to say, now I must go vomit!

- habman75

Kinda like how a majority of habs fans think their team is more than just price
jimi james
Location: Somewhere Between
Joined: 07.17.2010

Sep 3 @ 5:28 PM ET
Kinda like how a majority of habs fans think their team is more than just price
- Tumbleweed

Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 5:36 PM ET
Kinda like how a majority of habs fans think their team is more than just price
- Tumbleweed

Yes, kinda like that. But guess what? Price, (notice the capital "P"), is in fact on the Habs team, so your little dis is pointless. Arguably, the best hockey player in the entire world plays for the Habs. Swallow the pill and deal with it.

And not trying to be a Richard, but there are 29 other teams in the league who would love to have a Galchenyuk, a Paciorrety, a Gallagher, and I would say a Weber, but I know he officially sucks now.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 3 @ 5:59 PM ET
Yes, kinda like that. But guess what? Price, (notice the capital "P"), is in fact on the Habs team, so your little dis is pointless. Arguably, the best hockey player in the entire world plays for the Habs. Swallow the pill and deal with it.

And not trying to be a Richard, but there are 29 other teams in the league who would love to have a Galchenyuk, a Paciorrety, a Gallagher, and I would say a Weber, but I know he officially sucks now.

- habman75

Every team has a few good players. Nobody cares about gallchinwuk, patcheoretty or galager

And webers are what I cook on
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 3 @ 6:02 PM ET
He is not wrong on one point. Every summer over the last ten years, I have seen a majority of Leafs fans thinking they have a playoff team. Not all, but a slightly "slow" majority.

This year however, is the first year I would be incredibly excited if I were a Leaf fan. Some people on this thread said it takes 5-10 years to properly rebuild. That is simple insanity. Holmgren totally rebuilt the Flyers in one (frank)ing year a few years back. There is no magic bullet for a rebuild... (See Edmonton)

As long as Shanahan does not (frank) up and go full Burke, and makes some smart moves, the Leafs are a powerhouse in a couple of years. These are painful words for me to say, now I must go vomit!

- habman75

Saying it means jack without proof. I've been on here for over 10 years now, and I don't see it.some of those times we were, some of those times we missed on the last day of the season and when we were way off(like last year no one said it)

Leafs fans are incredibly excited, and that is what spatso is referring to. It is incredibly ironic for him to post what he does and then slam leaf fans for doing the same thing.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:19 PM ET
Saying it means jack without proof. I've been on here for over 10 years now, and I don't see it.some of those times we were, some of those times we missed on the last day of the season and when we were way off(like last year no one said it)

Leafs fans are incredibly excited, and that is what spatso is referring to. It is incredibly ironic for him to post what he does and then slam leaf fans for doing the same thing.

- burn

I could not agree more on the bolded.

However , you being a Leafs fan may not see it, and that's normal. However, over the last 10 years (less so in the last two) a big portion of Leafs fans thought they had a playoff team each and every year. Again, not trying to be a Richard, but when the Leafs hired Burke, there was so much semen spilled that it could have filled the Hudson river. It's called being a Homer, and the vast majority of any team's fans are just that, Homers. Ourselves included to an extent.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 3 @ 6:29 PM ET
I could not agree more on the bolded.

However , you being a Leafs fan may not see it, and that's normal. However, over the last 10 years (less so in the last two) a big portion of Leafs fans thought they had a playoff team each and every year. Again, not trying to be a Richard, but when the Leafs hired Burke, there was so much semen spilled that it could have filled the Hudson river. It's called being a Homer, and the vast majority of any team's fans are just that, Homers. Ourselves included to an extent.

- habman75

Last 2 years excluded, how many times did they make the playoffs or miss on the last day? I never saw them saying they were cup contenders. My point was spatso is talking up a storm saying how the sens are improved and better than everyone in the division outside TB..... I've asked him repeatedly where he's pulling from and he ignores or quote the post and doesn't answer. Pretty telling.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:38 PM ET
Last 2 years excluded, how many times did they make the playoffs or miss on the last day? I never saw them saying they were cup contenders. My point was spatso is talking up a storm saying how the sens are improved and better than everyone in the division outside TB..... I've asked him repeatedly where he's pulling from and he ignores or quote the post and doesn't answer. Pretty telling.
- burn

I hope, and I think you realize, that Spatso is not very smart...
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:39 PM ET
Every team has a few good players. Nobody cares about gallchinwuk, patcheoretty or galager

And webers are what I cook on

- Tumbleweed

I got one word for ya:

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 3 @ 6:41 PM ET
I hope, and I think you realize, that Spatso is not very smart...
- habman75

Couldn't agree more.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 3 @ 6:46 PM ET
I got one word for ya:


- habman75

Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:52 PM ET

Couldn't agree more.

- burn

I actually did not hate UG, but Spatso is the new UG! He gets ridiculed in pretty much every single thread on this site.

And Spatso, just a piece of advice... Try breathing through your nostrils. You will see that it's not that difficult, and there are many advantages to be gained...
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:52 PM ET

- Tumbleweed

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 3 @ 6:57 PM ET
I actually did not hate UG, but Spatso is the new UG! He gets ridiculed in pretty much every single thread on this site.

And Spatso, just a piece of advice... Try breathing through your nostrils. You will see that it's not that difficult, and there are many advantages to be gained...

- habman75

Montreal Canadiens
Location: Wolf River, QC
Joined: 09.07.2007

Sep 3 @ 6:59 PM ET

- Tumbleweed

I stared at that for way too long!!!
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Sep 3 @ 7:27 PM ET
Saying it means jack without proof. I've been on here for over 10 years now, and I don't see it.some of those times we were, some of those times we missed on the last day of the season and when we were way off(like last year no one said it)

Leafs fans are incredibly excited, and that is what spatso is referring to. It is incredibly ironic for him to post what he does and then slam leaf fans for doing the same thing.

- burn

I really don't understand your point. I have no difficulty with Leaf fans being excited about finally building the team the right way. For many years I argued with people who were looking for short term solutions. On the other hand I was critical of the Senators trading for Bobby Ryan and I continue to be critical for their having signed him to a long term deal. I believe what I believe.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 3 @ 7:41 PM ET
I really don't understand your point. I have no difficulty with Leaf fans being excited about finally building the team the right way. For many years I argued with people who were looking for short term solutions. On the other hand I was critical of the Senators trading for Bobby Ryan and I continue to be critical for their having signed him to a long term deal. I believe what I believe.
- spatso

Montreal Canadiens
Location: taking the low road
Joined: 10.14.2006

Sep 3 @ 9:16 PM ET
Holy poop the leafs fans in here are laughably sensitive
- Crimsoninja

Yemmey set the pace 10 yrs ago
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 09.26.2010

Sep 3 @ 10:12 PM ET
Holy poop the leafs fans in here are laughably sensitive
- Crimsoninja

lol nice
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Supreme Manager of the Johnny Boychuk to EDM Thread
Joined: 07.14.2016

Sep 3 @ 10:58 PM ET
guys please save it for the HABS vs LEAFS situation thread.

Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Sep 4 @ 6:07 AM ET
Last 2 years excluded, how many times did they make the playoffs or miss on the last day? I never saw them saying they were cup contenders. My point was spatso is talking up a storm saying how the sens are improved and better than everyone in the division outside TB..... I've asked him repeatedly where he's pulling from and he ignores or quote the post and doesn't answer. Pretty telling.
- burn

I believe they have only made playoffs once over a long period of time. But, unfortunately, sadly, even painfully, the only year they made the playoffs they met Boston in the first round and coughed up an incredible choke.

I have a theory, I believe the Boston choke changed Leaf fans. Leaf fans are knowledgable and passionate about hockey. But after the choke many became highly embittered, deeply wounded by the way the series was lost. It has left a bad taste in their mouth and they just want to win.

I have an example. I think Matthews was the right choice by the Leafs. Yet, I think Laine is probably a more talented force and will likely be the Calder winner. Purely from a hockey perspective this is fascinating stuff. But, Leaf fans have no stomach for the discussion. Perhaps, I am wrong. But, it appears to me that if Laine wins the Calder it will be taken personally, another Leaf loss. Logically, we understand this is really nonsensical. Many top drafted players did not win the Calder.

It is like the Boston series altered the psyche of many Leaf fans. They are not nearly as much fun and incredibly sensitive. A good young team playing competitive hockey should be enough to turn things around. I certainly hope to see some improvement in the Leafs play over last year. But, I also expect they will again be the long term beneficiary of another lottery draft pick.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 4 @ 7:22 AM ET
I believe they have only made playoffs once over a long period of time. But, unfortunately, sadly, even painfully, the only year they made the playoffs they met Boston in the first round and coughed up an incredible choke.

I have a theory, I believe the Boston choke changed Leaf fans. Leaf fans are knowledgable and passionate about hockey. But after the choke many became highly embittered, deeply wounded by the way the series was lost. It has left a bad taste in their mouth and they just want to win.

I have an example. I think Matthews was the right choice by the Leafs. Yet, I think Laine is probably a more talented force and will likely be the Calder winner. Purely from a hockey perspective this is fascinating stuff. But, Leaf fans have no stomach for the discussion. Perhaps, I am wrong. But, it appears to me that if Laine wins the Calder it will be taken personally, another Leaf loss. Logically, we understand this is really nonsensical. Many top drafted players did not win the Calder.

It is like the Boston series altered the psyche of many Leaf fans. They are not nearly as much fun and incredibly sensitive. A good young team playing competitive hockey should be enough to turn things around. I certainly hope to see some improvement in the Leafs play over last year. But, I also expect they will again be the long term beneficiary of another lottery draft pick.

- spatso

No.just more of your delusional reality.
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