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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 9:00 AM ET
The Winnipeg Jets first played in the WHA, and represented the City of Winnipeg.

When the WHA merged with the NHL, the Jets continued to represent the City of Winnipeg.

The Jets then relocated to Arizona and changed their name.

The Atlanta Thrashers relocated to Winnipeg, and now they are the Winnipeg Jets, and represent the City of Winnipeg.

Fans in Winnipeg don't give a flying fox fart about which franchise is which, they are supporting the team that plays in Winnipeg and represents the City of Winnipeg.


i care even less about which team is which. point is those jets arent these jets and thats what were discussing. not what jets fans feelings are today
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 9:01 AM ET

If Jet fan say they are Jets, they are the Jets.. nobody cares about LEAF fans making like bar room lawyers in attempting to define their desired outcome.

- spatso


leafs with the 2nd most cups. sens with none.

no need for sens fans to put an asterisk beside that point to sooth their bitter envy.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 9:07 AM ET

leafs with the 2nd most cups. sens with none.

no need for sens fans to put an asterisk beside that point to sooth their bitter envy.

- systemtool

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 9:18 AM ET


too bad the sens dont have any cups.

remember the link you provided. yup, that one you posted. says sens havent won a cup.

glad we agree. cool banners though. too bad that team left the league.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 9:30 AM ET
too bad the sens dont have any cups.

remember the link you provided. yup, that one you posted. says sens havent won a cup.

glad we agree. cool banners though. too bad that team left the league.

- systemtool

Sorry, but Ottawa, has won many Cups, and the Banners honouring those Cup wins hang in the CTC, and later will be moved to the new Arena in Lebreton Flats.

Sorry that the NHL does not agree with your spin on this, but if that's what you need to convince yourself that even though Ottawa finished higher in the Standings last year, and played more Playoff games this Spring, than the leaf have in 12 years .......... then I guess that's what you need to get over your jealousy and envy.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Sep 25 @ 10:06 AM ET


We all Agree the point keeps going over your head.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 10:06 AM ET
Sorry, but Ottawa, has won many Cups, and the Banners honouring those Cup wins hang in the CTC, and later will be moved to the new Arena in Lebreton Flats.

Sorry that the NHL does not agree with your spin on this, but if that's what you need to convince yourself that even though Ottawa finished higher in the Standings last year, and played more Playoff games this Spring, than the leaf have in 12 years .......... then I guess that's what you need to get over your jealousy and envy.



Who should take credit for New York's 8 cups, the Islanders or the Rangers?

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Sep 25 @ 10:09 AM ET
One was called the Rough Riders, the other was the Roughriders ..........

toronto also won Cups with the "Blueshirts" the "Arenas" and the "St.Pats" ........ and I'm not one hundred percent sure, but these were previous names for the same team that became the leafs .............. I'm sure someone can confirm this.

The point in all of this, is that fans of the leafs and the Sens can talk all they want about previously won Cups ............. but it's been so long for both teams, that it's a weak argument, for both fan bases, if you're trying to prove how that relates to the current team being superior to the other Ontario based team, today.

Heck, most leaf fans totally dismiss anything that I point to that happened in the last 12 years .............. and then turn around and point to 50 year old plus Cup wins ............ how is what happened since the lockout irrelevant, but 50 year old plus Cup wins are???


Agreed it has no bearing on today.

It comes up when one fanbase starts to handpick time frames in the past, to either chirp the other fanbase or try to make a point.

It gets exacerbated when members of one fanbase decide it is somehow relevant to chirp the other fanbase about other sports (in which the chirping fanbase doesn't even have a team)... that leads to a city vs city thing.

None of it means anything regarding the actual topic of this thread, which was lost long ago.

As far as the actual thread...

Ottawa went further in the playoffs last year.
Ottawa has Karlsson, the best Dman and maybe the best player (Matthews, one day?) of the two franchises.

The Leafs have a much greater young core. Debating that is just stupid.

The Leafs have one questionable contract, that should not hurt them. Ottawa has a number of them. This has been shown.

The Leafs have the more highly respected GM and the much more decorated coach.

The Leafs have the much deeper pocket owners.

The Leafs have the bigger fanbase with which to fill those owners pockets.

So... in ever way, except Karlsson, and last year's playoffs, I don't see how any rational person cannot feel that the Leafs are in a better position.

Outside of this thread, that appears to be an opinion shared by most people.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 10:10 AM ET
Dopps - tired of getting beaten up here, so he posts an outdated story in the Leafs agony thread.

I'm sure we're just going to hear about how he posted it last monday, but the refs changed the date to today.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 10:12 AM ET
Agreed it has no bearing on today.

It comes up when one fanbase starts to handpick time frames in the past, to either chirp the other fanbase or try to make a point.

It gets exacerbated when members of one fanbase decide it is somehow relevant to chirp the other fanbase about other sports (in which the chirping fanbase doesn't even have a team)... that leads to a city vs city thing.

None of it means anything regarding the actual topic of this thread, which was lost long ago.

As far as the actual thread...

Ottawa went further in the playoffs last year.
Ottawa has Karlsson, the best Dman and maybe the best player (Matthews, one day?) of the two franchises.

The Leafs have a much greater young core. Debating that is just stupid.

The Leafs have one questionable contract, that should not hurt them. Ottawa has a number of them. This has been shown.

The Leafs have the more highly respected GM and the much more decorated coach.

The Leafs have the much deeper pocket owners.

The Leafs have the bigger fanbase with which to fill those owners pockets.

So... in ever way, except Karlsson, and last year's playoffs, I don't see how any rational person cannot feel that the Leafs are in a better position.

Outside of this thread, that appears to be an opinion shared by most people.

- Aetherial

It's shared by most people in this thread, which is why the number of Sens defenders has dwindled to the two people on this site that are most mocked for their delusions.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 10:27 AM ET
Dopps - tired of getting beaten up here, so he posts an outdated story in the Leafs agony thread.

I'm sure we're just going to hear about how he posted it last monday, but the refs changed the date to today.

- Feeling Glucky?

Wait what? I thought I was not allowed to revive old threads ............ at least that's what you claimed???

Get your story straight please.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 10:33 AM ET
sorry this sens team hasnt won a cup.


Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 25 @ 10:36 AM ET
Sorry, but Ottawa, has won many Cups, and the Banners honouring those Cup wins hang in the CTC, and later will be moved to the new Arena in Lebreton Flats.

Sorry that the NHL does not agree with your spin on this, but if that's what you need to convince yourself that even though Ottawa finished higher in the Standings last year, and played more Playoff games this Spring, than the leaf have in 12 years .......... then I guess that's what you need to get over your jealousy and envy.



what happens to those banners when the current sens team moves to quebec city?
Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 10:37 AM ET
Agreed it has no bearing on today.

It comes up when one fanbase starts to handpick time frames in the past, to either chirp the other fanbase or try to make a point.

It gets exacerbated when members of one fanbase decide it is somehow relevant to chirp the other fanbase about other sports (in which the chirping fanbase doesn't even have a team)... that leads to a city vs city thing.

None of it means anything regarding the actual topic of this thread, which was lost long ago.

As far as the actual thread...

Ottawa went further in the playoffs last year.
Ottawa has Karlsson, the best Dman and maybe the best player (Matthews, one day?) of the two franchises.

The Leafs have a much greater young core. Debating that is just stupid.

The Leafs have one questionable contract, that should not hurt them. Ottawa has a number of them. This has been shown.

The Leafs have the more highly respected GM and the much more decorated coach.

The Leafs have the much deeper pocket owners.

The Leafs have the bigger fanbase with which to fill those owners pockets.

So... in ever way, except Karlsson, and last year's playoffs, I don't see how any rational person cannot feel that the Leafs are in a better position.

Outside of this thread, that appears to be an opinion shared by most people.

- Aetherial

You make a lot of "off ice" arguments to support your opinion as to why the leafs are in a "better position" .......... but Ottawa, for at least the recent past, have shown why they're the better NHL team in Ontario, with better regular seasons, and more playoff appearances ........... so for me, I'll take on ice success over deep pockets, the size of the fanbase and who the GM is, as measuring stick for the two teams.

To use your own words, the on ice success of the Ottawa Senators, when compared to the leafs, since the lock out, is much better ........... " Debating that is just stupid."

Yes, this could change this season, or the over the next decade......... and no one is debating that the leafs are benefiting from being a cellar dweller for a number of seasons .......... I don't think they have all the pieces in place to be considered a true Cup contender as of now, but they're moving in the right direction, and their window is opening, and hopefully for long suffering leaf fans, the leaf don't run out time before they run into Cap issues, for whatever reason.

Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 10:38 AM ET
sorry this sens team hasnt won a cup.



- systemtool

sorry, neither has this leaf team, and no leaf team has for over 50 years.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 05.06.2015

Sep 25 @ 10:41 AM ET
what happens to those banners when the current sens team moves to quebec city?
- Tumbleweed

You're mistaken ........... Lebreton Flats is in Ottawa, not Quebec City.

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 10:44 AM ET
Wait what? I thought I was not allowed to revive old threads ............ at least that's what you claimed???

Get your story straight please.


Did I claim that, or are you, as usual, full of poop?

Maybe you just need to learn the difference between a question and a claim.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 10:46 AM ET
sorry, neither has this leaf team, and no leaf team has for over 50 years.

Ok. So why do you keep bringing up the past?

Leafs fans are more than willing to talk about the insanely bright future our team has, especially given the dimness that is the Sens.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 25 @ 10:48 AM ET
You're mistaken ........... Lebreton Flats is in Ottawa, not Quebec City.


that's still a thing? shame.

it's a waste of tax payer money to pony up for an arena when there is a perfectly good one with a good parking lot within driving distance of ottawa.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Dude, I am so sorry about whatever made you like this. Take it easy.
Joined: 07.06.2007

Sep 25 @ 10:54 AM ET
summary of the last 314 pages please
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Sep 25 @ 10:55 AM ET
summary of the last 314 pages please
- Crimsoninja

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 25 @ 11:57 AM ET
summary of the last 314 pages please
- Crimsoninja

Leafs are in a better situation than the Sens.

Dopps and Spasto are in a bad situation, mentally.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 12:26 PM ET
sorry, neither has this leaf team, and no leaf team has for over 50 years.

2nd most cups. sorry.

still the same team. sorry.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Real men always have to poo, ON
Joined: 09.12.2007

Sep 25 @ 12:27 PM ET
summary of the last 314 pages please
- Crimsoninja

Location: New Glasgow, NS
Joined: 09.04.2008

Sep 25 @ 12:57 PM ET
summary of the last 314 pages please
- Crimsoninja

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